Thursday, May 14, 2015

Unit 5 Web Post

House committee passes bill that cuts Amtrak funding after crash

In the article, after the Amtrak train derailment incident the Republican of the House Committee voted 30-21 to reduce grants to Amtrak by $252 million that will cut only there Amtrak Capital Spending. The Democrats attempted to increase funding for Amtrak from 1 billion to 2.4 billion dollars in an effort for passenger rail service, but the Republicans argue that funding the Amtrak would result in an “offset by cuts elsewhere in the budget”. Democrats and some Republicans are in opposition for funding cuts. Democrat Rep. Peter DeFazio from Oregon and Republican Mario Diaz-Balart from Florida both say that the Republican should first know what happen in the Amtrak incident before responding to make an appropriate respond to the event. As well the White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest mention if there should be need of investments in infrastructure that they should do so. The National Transportation Safety Board, Federal Railroad Administration and FBI are investigating and inspecting the derailment of the train that they know rolled through a curve. This brought up the focus on U.S fund and maintaining infrastructures. The committees involved are the U.S House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Material Subcommittee.

This article involves public policy, because it involves the Republicans course of action after the Amtrak incident and it involves public services. As said by both parties there should first wait to receive information before making a decision. As well I agree with the democrat on attempting to fund the infrastructure for better service. There are many other infrastructures not only Amtrak that needs funding in Pennsylvania. Though, I agree with the Republicans on reducing grants to Amtrak, because if there is a mistake there should be negative consequences. Though, the Democrats are trying to increase funding to have the problem fixed and for citizens to receive services. Again I agree with the Democrats, because Congress members’ duty is to make the American citizens railroad services safe and safer after incidents like this one.
A video of on the Amtrak incident