Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Unit 2 Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Mass Media
On February 16, 2015 CNN/ORC released a poll involving the President Barack Obama and his decision on handling ISIS. The poll has 1,027 people interviewed; some were interviewed through landlines and some through cellular phone. The poll included white people and African Americans. The question asked was “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling on terrorism…, ISIS, the Islamic militant group that controls some areas of Iraq and Syria…, foreign affairs…, the situation in Ukraine.., and the security of the nation’s electronic information…” and other question involving Congress, Presidents authority and etc. In the end, the survey showed most percentages of approval to the Presidents handling and other decisions like the President having authority over the military is losing support from the public. The margin of sample error of the poll is 3%.
The poll involving President Barack Obama against ISIS is scientific and accurate, because it has two characteristics for an accurate poll, random sampling and the wording of their question preventing influence to the person answer being interviewed. Few other characteristics are the total of people interviewed 1,027 people, which is a good amount of people being interview for an accurate poll. The results of the poll from the public show it has stability, because it has not changed much from the previous survey with the same question from a few months ago. Also the poll shows that about half of the people in the United States support the President Barack Obama’s decision against ISIS.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

House votes again to repeal Obamacare


The republican party leading the House of Representatives have passed legislation to repeal Obamacare. There were not enough votes to "roll back Obamacare". It has been the 67th time the House has attempted to repeal, change, or defund Obamacare. The republican party leader have been reeling in recruits, putting effort to repealing Obamacare and have no plan to make a change or replace Obamacare. There is going to be a parliamentary process, but the senate believe even if the bill was to be repeal Obamacare passed it would be veto.

The constitution is involved in this with Article 1 section 7 "All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills." The House of Representative republicans working to repeal, change or replace Obamacare is given the power by the constitution, since Obamacare involves revenue for the federal government. In other words, the republican party can attempt to make a bill as many times they would like to "resolve" the Obamacare. The House of Representatives and the Senate have to do a Parliamentary process this involves Article 5 Amendment process "The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments. . ." even when this parliamentary process happen before they did not get enough votes. I do agree with the article that this is a waste of time, because if it has been 67 times the republicans attempted to accomplish the goal. This must mean they do not have a good plan or good reasons to make changes, repeal, or replacement. The republicans are supposedly doing there job by going by the peoples interest, but I'm sure they can attempt to do this for another important interest that is better for everyone.